
Yesterday, I read a simple, short, but thought provoking post entitled: Lack Inspiration? Listen.  The author threw out a challenge to simply listen, for a day, to the words and stories, of others, to inspire a new piece of writing.

As I thought on this, it occurred to me that since I moved to this place, by the woods, I have spent most of my time alone.  The majority of my time is spent with a 20 month old grandson who is working on talking but hasn’t perfected it quite yet.  He says “No” really well, though.

So most of my day is spent listening to my own thoughts or reading other’s posts on Facebook or blog posts.

There was a time in my life, when I would have given anything for silence!  Too many people sharing their stories; a bombardment of emotions, day after day.  Now, however, I realize that this idea of spending a day listening to people is going to be a challenge. So, here’s how the day went.

First Person

I arrived at my daughter’s house ready to take care of the baby.  Something seems off.  She’s very business like; telling me all the small details of how he slept last night, what he had for breakfast, what her day at work was going to entail.  I find myself listening but wondering “What isn’t she sharing?”

My inspiration from this listening session is to write a piece about words unspoken.

Second Person

I take my grandson to a “dance” class for babies.  The instructor is sharing information about how things will be coming to an end for the summer and changes will be put in place for the fall.  She is sad.  Her own children will be “graduating” to an older class. Still, we get up and move to the music.  Music brings back the joy.

My inspiration from this listening session is write about how to find the joy in endings.

Third Person

My daughter leads a blessed life right now.  She actually has a chef come to her home and cook for her once a month.  I get to breathe in the smells of all this wonderful cooking for a day and sit and chat with this wonderful lady.  Yesterday, though, the conversation was sad.  Her son and daughter-in-law, along with their two children, moved away a month ago.  She is still reeling from the loss.  Her words swing from sarcasm (“Oh, they say “Everything is just perfect, now! They are soooo happy!”) to anger (“Why was my grand-daughter talking baby talk?  She’s three.  She hasn’t done that for years!), to sadness (“They got on the plane and I cried and cried all the way home.  I tried to do some work on the computer but their pictures were right there facing me.  I couldn’t look at them.  I had to move them to another room.”)

My inspiration from this hard conversation was to realize that although I want to only write positive posts, the reality is that life is a blend and sometimes the messages have to be about finding inner strength to get through a dark time.

Fourth Person

My daughter comes home from work.  She’s a little too chatty.  What exactly is she NOT saying?

Inspiration – Hidden messages

Fifth Person

My other daughter calls as I drive home.  “I haven’t talked to you in awhile.  What have you been up to?”  We chat about pieces of her job, how she wishes she were making more money right now, wedding plans are coming along just fine, and…has (she) said anything about moving to a bigger house yet?  She is, of course, my other daughter, the one who is not telling me something.  “No.  Has she said anything to you?”  “No.”


And there it is.  Listen.  Listen.  Listen.  What are the words that are being spoken?  What are the words that are not being spoken?  It all comes back to the messages that work their way through MY brain.  What did any of the day’s stories tell ME?

Here’s what I heard:

  •  Life is about change
  • Change is hard…and sad
  • Sometimes people want to share their stories
  • Sometimes they don’t!


Just be there.  Be willing to listen when someone wants to share. Be aware that there is always more to the story than simply the words that are spoken.  Listen.

Confidence Of A Flower

Everyone should have the confidence of a flower!

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They just don’t care.

They don’t care if you like them or not.

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They never worry about how they look.

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Or if they look just like the rest of the group.

And, they’re bold.


Willing to hang upside down, if that’s what it takes or…


push through every obstacle in their way to get to what they need!

We can all learn from this beautiful life.

We don’t need to be afraid.  We don’t need to ask permission.

Why don’t we all just

go ahead and


The Message of the Butterfly

Can you turn around, beautiful butterfly?
Can you turn around, beautiful butterfly?
A little bit more...
A little bit more…
There you are!  Now, I can see you.
There you are! Now, I can see you.

This butterfly seemed to want it’s picture taken.  It stayed atop this flower, turning ever so slowly, while I snapped photo after photo.  I couldn’t help but think that it might be lingering just for me.  Was it trying to tell me something?  I watched and waited and thought about just being in the moment.

It was a beautiful day.  The flowers, though needing rain, were blooming all along the trail that I walked.  And flitting, from flower to flower, were bees, dragonflies, and butterflies.  It was like a joyful dance.  In this moment, this exact moment, what did I have on my mind?  My family, of course; wedding plans and grandchildren. My heart was simply full of joy.  So what could this butterfly be there to tell me?

I returned home and picked up my Animal Spirit Guide by Steven D. Farmer, PHD. and turned to the page about the butterfly.  This is what it said:

If the butterfly shows up, it means:
Lighten up.  Stop taking everything so seriously.
Get ready for a big change, one where an old habit, way of thinking, or lifestyle is going out and a new way of being is emerging.
It's time to make the changes you've been considering.
In spite of the challenges, you'll get through this transition, and as always, know that "this too shall pass."
Express yourself by wearing more colorful clothing.

Lighten up!

How many times have I been told and tried to tell myself this very thing?  I worry over everything and I know that it has yet to solve one problem.  It has just robbed me of the beautiful moments, like that moment with the butterfly.  I need to relax and enjoy each day for what it is.

Get ready for a change.

I’ve been through a lot of change over the past several years and I don’t relish the idea of going through another but I have been pondering a move to a less expensive place.  While I have fallen in love with my current living arrangement (I live on the edge of a nature preserve), the cost continues to go up and my income has stayed the same.  It’s becoming more and more uncomfortable, month to month, to handle expenses.  So, is this the change?  If it is, I know I will survive.  I’ve been down this road more than once. That doesn’t make the path easier or less sad.  This weekend, I will go looking for another place that could feel like a home.  I think I’ll know it when I see it.  I’ll try to just relax and let it happen.

But in the meantime,

there was yet another butterfly.  This one was not sitting still.  Instead, it was flying from flower to flower.  To me this one was saying,

“Life is beautiful.

Life is short.

Enjoy it while you can.”

IMG_9002 IMG_9009 IMG_9010  And this one was the essence of

Express yourself by wearing more colorful clothing.

So I will embrace the idea of yet another change.  I will savor each moment.  Breathe in the fresh air and love my life today.  Tomorrow will take care of itself.